Terms & Conditions


Please note that as a courtesy to all clients a prompt appointment schedule is adhered to. Late arrival to your appointment may reduce the length of the treatment, but will still be charged at the full price. 

If you need to change your appointment this must be done via mobile phone text message, or email or telephone call at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.



If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 48 hours prior to your appointment time. Your appointment can be rescheduled without loss of payment if cancelled with 48 hours notice and your slot can be offered to others waiting.

Please do not attend if showing any signs or symptoms of Coronavirus.

Data Security

See my Privacy Policy page

Price Alteration

I reserve the right to alter prices without prior notice. 


Medical Conditions

Please inform your therapist of any medical condition including pregnancy prior to booking, as some treatments may not be appropriate for you, or in many pre-existing medical cases a GP’s note maybe required. I reserve the right to cancel your treatment if you fail to comply with my requests.

Treatments conducted by The Reflexologist are not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and treatment. At no time will a client be encouraged to stop medical treatment or change their prescription drugs without prior discussion with a GP or Consultant first.


Sadly I am not equipped for bariatric clients (over 25 stone/ 160kgs and or with BMI of more than 40).

My salon couch working weight capacity is 125kgs/19 stone.  My chair only accommodates up to max 110kg/17 Stone


Contra Indications

Alcohol or social drugs should not be consumed before or after Holistic treatments and ensure you drink plenty of water.  I do not recommend reflexology if you have a current case of athlete’s foot, verrucae or fungal infection.



All Vouchers are completely non-refundable or transferable from the date of purchase. All vouchers are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.

Your gift voucher must be given to The Reflexologist before you commence your treatment. 


Clients under the age of 16 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who will be asked to give signed consent to treatment. They will also be asked to remain present for the duration of the agreed treatment. 


Payment Policy

All treatments are paid in full at the time of booking. Cash or card, transfer, paypal or paying on book that in is acceptable.

Mobile Phones & Smoking 

Please ensure all mobile phones are switched off, or placed onto silent mode. Please be aware that smoking and vaping in the studio is strictly forbidden.


In the event of staff sickness or unavailability I will contact you immediately to discuss options for transferring your booking to an alternative time. 

Please cancel any appointment if you think/know you have anything that may possibly be contagious, from Coronavirus to sore throats, and colds and flu, to anything on the skin or causing sickness. I reserve the right to refuse treatment if you attend while poorly/contagious. 



Consultations include medical history review as well as any required risk assessments. 

Clients will be asked to confirm they have read a copy of these terms before their initial treatment is booked, and will thereafter apply to all subsequent visits, treatments and therapies.

Copying my content - Copy righted ©

Please note, that I worked hard on creating the content in this website.  It is therefore my intellectual property. 

If you would like to copy words or pictures or anything else, please ask.  I have hidden traceable attachments on everything and a system that traces who has saved or copied my content.  If you have stolen anything from my site, you will be prosecuted and liable for all the legal fees. 

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